Liam is a young man, in his early twenties, who can’t come to terms with what happened to his dad after a football match that he would normally have been at with him.
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I decided to write “Animals” after reading about a vicious unprovoked attack on an innocent middle-aged man after a football match which left him brain damaged and ultimately cost him his life. The mindless brutality and senselessness of the act, by a pack of animal young men struck a chord. It was incredibly moving to read how his wife and daughter had been affected, their lives blighted forever. As a lover of the beautiful game but not of the violence that still exists in its shadows, I wanted to make people aware that horrific events such as this still happen, away from the stadiums, before and after games. Not only do they happen but sentencing for the perpetrators doesn’t fit the crimes.

Techniques --
Duration 17 Minutes
Completion Date --
Age Rating --