A man wakes up terrified by haunting dreams about unknown places. He sketches his dreams into the paper to find out whether these dreams have any connection to his life
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Filmmaker Statement

"This film was created during the COVID-19 pandemic, a time when I had a lot of free time and making a film was always my dream. So, I delved into developing a simple idea. I wanted the film to be visually appealing, offering viewers a new and immersive experience. Despite all the limitations and challenges, I began working on the CGI, a crucial element in this project. I utilized Blender for creating 3D environments, and the CGI part took a while to finish and render. After completing 70% of the work, we started shooting the live-action part with the help of my friends and a nearby studio. It took one day and night to complete the shoot. It was an eye-opening experience, and I had a lot of fun making this movie."

Duration 6 Minutes
Release Date --
Age Rating --