A poised executive puts her career and family on the line, as she struggles with responsibilities toward her mother’s progressing dementia.
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Alzheimer's a horrible disease that takes everything from a person until there is nothing left. But along the way there are bits and pieces that show up. My mother in law lost her battle with Alzheimer's in 2022. It progressed rapidly and was very hard to watch, but one phase that really stood out was one when barely knew who she was, she would very vividly remember specific memories from the past. It was always interesting to hear her speak about her childhood, and growing up in a small, seaside town in India. All this while my husband and father in law did all they could to care for her. The care giving was so tough, so alienating. I wanted to make a short film about a lonely woman caring for her mom, and finding a tiny moment of connection with her. The care giving is so tough, and so incredibly heartbreaking.

Duration 12 Minutes
Completion Date --
Age Rating --