Davis Out of the Unknown
Seven-year-old Davis Point grapples with a rare genetic disorder called Koolen-de Vries Syndrome. One seizure could change Davis forever, so his family pushes hard for a cure and a new kind of normal.
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Filmmaker Statement

Last year we were lucky enough to be invited into the home of a mom on a mission, Ashley Point, where she introduced us to her 1st grade son. Like any other kid, Davis is energetic, curious, joyful, and naturally sociable. He's also living with Koolen-de Vries Syndrome (KdVS), a rare genetic disorder that affects every cell in his body. At just seven years old, Davis has overcome insurmountable hurdles with inspiring resilience. As the severity of his disease has progressed, he is now physically disabled in addition to his developmental challenges. Davis could have a seizure tomorrow that makes him fundamentally different from who he is today. We hope that by sharing Davis’s story, we can help him get the medical treatment he deserves. We can push for a treatment, a cure. Through this intimate portrait of Davis and his family, we also hope to inspire viewers and give them courage to overcome all obstacles life throws their way.

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