A dispirited Tom heads toward his mother Verne’s car after a chide meeting with Rabbi Jody. Tom questions his beliefs, his mother, and pleads to quit Hebrew School. Verne encourages Tom to accept his Jewish identity. Questionably benevolent Rabbi Jody interrupts their deliberation, providing Verne and Tom further reflection.
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Growing up, I attended Hebrew School…. very briefly. I remember having the conversation of quitting Hebrew School in the car, with my mother. She wasn’t thrilled about it, but ultimately, I was allowed to quit. Fifteen years later, my mother, who believes in God, told me that she didn’t mind if I weren't bar-mitzvahed and that her mother, my grandmother, guilted her into making me go to Hebrew School. This film exaggerates and expands that conversation to convey that being atheist doesn’t exclude one from being a Jew…. or Jewish.

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Duration 7 Minutes
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