For Hire
When a hedge fund manager pays a barista to take her virginity, they both try to make sense of what they’ve signed up for – and why - in this one-take-style short film.
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Filmmaker Statement

While many people are aware of the horrifying statistics on sexual assault, media often focuses on the trauma of the event itself and its immediate aftermath, rather than the ways in which its effects can reverberate through an individual's life, even many years later. We wanted to tell a story about those lingering effects--to illustrate how a person's whole life trajectory might have been re-directed by a traumatic event, even if on the surface they seem "unaffected." We also believed that humor, if handled delicately, could help universalize these stories, and show their humanity in addition to their ubiquity. Our film's all-female and non-binary creative and camera teams made the most of a tiny budget to explore the messy, idiosyncratic, and deeply personal reality underlying the experience of sexual assault, using the one-take style to provide an intimate window into one woman's unique attempt to deal with its repercussions.

Duration 8 Minutes
Release Date --
Age Rating --