Giro Prepares for Death
After receiving a medical diagnosis, a man returns to his remote homestead on a small northern island to process what he will do next.
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Filmmaker Statement

Following my experience with a loved one who was misdiagnosed with a terminal illness, I moved to an island in Lake Superior where I spent my time making this film with the question: what can an awareness of death in our daily life teach us about living? I was curious how a person who spends most of their days living alone in the natural world might process a terminal diagnosis. While there are many powerful stories told about the grief and hardship that comes from confronting death, with this project I wanted to explore the sense of connection to the present moment that can come from this awareness. I hope this film can be a gentle provocation for us to have more conversations in our contemporary society about how preparing for death from an early age may help us to relate to living in a new way.

Duration 17 Minutes
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