La carretera de los perros
After the helplessness of being abandoned on the highway, a wounded and downhearted dog searches in the shadows for the life he lost.
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At the heart of this animated short film, I find a little hope and relief. “La carretera de los perros” is a short full of silent intentions and memories. Inspired by the free highway of Zapotlanejo, located in Guadalajara, Jalisco, México. This is a story that I see repeated in the everyday life, and that arises from my endless encounters with run over and forgotten dogs. With this, I not only want to talk about animal abuse, but also about inhumanity. We are the reflection of our pets, from this perspective, it is not just a matter of unconsciousness, but a small glimpse into the culture of the country where I live. In my own journey to understand how animal abandonment works and after years of living with this problem, I wrote this script, in the most expressive way possible, without dialogue and using the power of sound and image to show reality.

Duration 10 Minutes
Release Date --
Age Rating --