Set in a dystopian United States, pregnant persons are required by law to give birth in front of a panel of judges. Failure to birth a living baby sentences the mother to immediate execution.
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Filmmaker Statement

“Labor and Justice” is a mixture of genres but can be best described as a surrealist nightmare. Comparable to The Twilight Zone and Black Mirror, Labor + Justice weaves thriller with horror, yet draws out empathy and heartbreak with its all-to-relatable themes. The most obvious theme is the injustice of a woman’s right to choose what to do with her body and her unborn child. I wrote this film back in January of 2019. It wasn’t until the Fall of 2021 that I decided to move forward with directing it. Little did I know that in the middle of our pre-pro, a leaked draft of the withdrawal of Roe v. Wade, and the decision to retract it all-together, would occur. We took it as a sign to move forward. Returning to this script is not a coincidence. It’s an urgent display of the need for a woman’s right to choose. It is my hope that this film will bring awareness, change minds, and provoke change.

Techniques --
Duration 13 Minutes
Completion Date --
Age Rating --