A forty-something single mother gets her groove back with a little assistance from her teenage daughter. LOOK BACK AT IT is set in Baltimore and also serves as a proof of concept for a feature film of the same name.
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The most important women in my life are my mother, sister, and my niece. Individually, they are complex and loving and giving and complicated. Together, they love hard and sometimes messily. And they’re a hoot. LOOK BACK AT IT is loosely based on them. Taking place in my hometown Baltimore, this film is also inspired by the other women in my family, who dream, suffer, and love, hard. Only to hardly see themselves portrayed in their nuanced glory on screen. I hope LOOK BACK AT IT helps change that. It’s a film that showcases complex intergenerational relationships, motherhood, women rediscovering their power - emotionally, socially, and sexually - all within layered familial ties.

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Duration 12 Minutes
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