Love of the Land
A short animated film based on the true and tragic story of Vermont farmer Romaine Tenney. His farm was in the path of Interstate 91 and the State of Vermont seized his land through eminent domain.
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"Love of the Land" focuses on farmer Romaine Tenney’s connection to his land, his sense of place, and what progress means in 1960s Vermont. There is a power to this story. It taps into what New Englanders think about progress and what are the benefits and downsides of it. 2024 marks the 60th anniversary of Tenney's passing. The short animation uses a rotoscope animation technique, where the animator digitally draws/traces over recorded video frame-by-frame. The four-year project began in 2020 and consists of almost 3,000 digitally hand drawn frames.

Duration 8 Minutes
Release Date --
Age Rating --