Obsessed with finding a missing girl, a troubled detective compromises his partner and his moral code.
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Lycanthropy is a dark investigative thriller short film, which follows detectives Mark Kessler and John Mills, as they search for a missing girl in a suspected case of child abduction. The story is grounded in the horrible world of child abuse, and in particular the problems that law enforcement face when dealing with such cases. Whilst these crimes might be shocking to the general public, they are a widespread issue that in many cases are difficult to prove and even harder to treat. With Lycanthropy I aim to further raise awareness around this topic, not only focussing on the victims and the perpetrators, but also on the investigating forces. I therefore based this story on a detective who loses faith in the system and takes things into his own hands. At its core, this story is about right, wrong, and the thin line in-between.

Duration 15 Minutes
Release Date --
Age Rating --