Memo Inc.
In a world where memories can be digitally manipulated to heal patients from past traumas, a memory therapist discovers flaws in her own recollection, which have dramatic consequences on her life and her family.
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Filmmaker Statement

Much like the characters in Memo Inc., my brother and I have experienced some difficult moments in our lives that have left significant marks on its trajectory. We’ve delved deep into film and storytelling together, in part, as a coping mechanism and as a way to create our own realities. Whether to escape the pain or to channel our anger or to explore our fears, we use storytelling as a cathartic and therapeutic tool much like how memory-technology is initially used in Memo Inc. Our passion and personal connection aside, we believe this story has the proper foundation to captivate a global audience. Memory is the foundation of identity. So, the very nature of our subject matter, combined with our vision for its visual execution, allows us to bring to the audience a unique experience. Diving into people’s memories. We can show audiences our characters’ darkest secrets, their crippling guilt, and the unforgettably traumatic events that shape their lives. And why now? The same way the rise of the internet revolutionized our communication systems, memory editing will completely revolutionize the human experience and with the rise of tech and advances in healthcare, this fictional world is inching closer to reality. We want to be the first to exploit the depths of how memory-editing technology is going to a!ect the relationships we have with ourselves, the people we love, and our society. -Andrew & Remy Neymarc

Techniques --
Duration 24 Minutes
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