More Together
After years of best friendship, teenage Tom and Lucy finally surrender to spending the night together. As their new love blossoms, and Lucy's 'time of the month' is late, the pair are forced to face the music of adulthood head-on.
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Filmmaker Statement

The movie-musical is a long-standing filmmaking tradition. Since the first-ever ‘talkies,’ there too was a wonderful world of bursting into song and dance; dazzling the silver screen. For almost a century now, these motion pictures summoned audiences around the globe to hold a ticket in their hand, and a song in their heart. My team and I strongly believe that the movie-musical yields the potential to bridge the gap of today's modern discourse in an entirely new way. War-time and global crises have notoriously triggered a public demand for escapism on screen, a step ‘up and out’ of the ordinary into the fantastic, romantic worlds of the musical… and, new-age audiences are no different. It’s from this passion for cinema and song that ‘Day by Day Pictures’ was born — and thus, so too was ‘More Together.’ I personally describe the film as ‘an anthem for choice,’ and consider it a much-needed salve to the polarized debate we continue to face on the subject. Having been introduced to Drew Gasparini and his music in college, and with winning festival laurels from our team’s first short film ‘BEFORE THEY WERE THEM,’ it was clearly the right time to explore the melodies I held with me for more than a decade. From song cycle selections growing dusty on the proverbial shelf, to a fully realized original screenplay and entirely new musical finale — breathing life into Tom & Lucy's true-love-story meant an opportunity to take material with enormous niche fandom, and one of broader society’s most controversial debates — then turn both on their heads and bravely ask the question: Could all this noise could sound a little more like music? And could that music shed light on our shared humanity?… Perhaps with real empathy, we’d see we all have a little bit 'More Together’ than we do so stubbornly apart?

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Duration 38 Minutes
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