Charlie is a broke single mum determined to make it as a pro wrestler on the British indie circuit. When denied her last chance to be champion, she considers taking power into her own hands.
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Screwjob is inspired by my own Mum's struggle as a single parent in a working class neighbourhood. I then had the idea that the heightened & 'rigged' world of pro wrestling would be a cinematic way to delve into this journey. Enter producer Aletha Shepherd who is all about making films with strong female leads and empowering stories. In awe of my mother bringing me up with no money whilst working a tiring job and navigating relationships with troubled or toxic men, I wondered if she had dreams in life that she never got to pursue. Meanwhile I've always been fascinated by professional wrestling: how courageous the wrestlers are, and how they can be exposed to pain, and mistreatment. These people put their bodies in jeopardy to entertain using an art form as old as Shakespeare. Visually I wanted to present a working class world with grit, but also with a splash of glamour and style. Blue collar communities in the UK are too often depicted as grey and drained of any pizazz!

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