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Something Bad started when my frequent collaborator Jasmine Kimiko (lead actress/writer) who tragically lives across the country from me was going to be in town for a week and we both wanted to make something that could be shot over one night with no budget and one location. This is my first go as a director (previous work as a writer/producer has been featured on Short of the Week - "We Want Faces So Bad" (2021) and "Come Be Creepy With Us" (2019)) It took us less than a month from conception to shooting to pull it off! This was a fun pressure cooker type of filmmaking that I think worked nicely with the subject of the short itself. For me, Something Bad is really a metaphor for how horrific if can be to meet your significant others proverbial "skeleton in the closet." (or trunk) And how in the end it really doesn't matter whats in there... because everyone has one... Right?
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Duration | 7 Minutes |
Completion Date | -- |
Age Rating | -- |
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