sticks & stones
Twenty-somethings, Clair and Eli, have a fleeting and intense weekend in Los Angeles, until reality sets in and old wounds resurface.
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Filmmaker Statement

This film cracked open my heart and put it back together. Each time I sat down to write, this story kept resurfacing, even when I tried to write something, anything, else. Growing up, I felt that a lot of female characters were portrayed as hurting, broken, and closed off. The 'sad girl' persona was extremely romanticized and idolized, and it’s something I still see a lot of in film and television. Almost everyone experiences some form of emotional trauma at some point in their lives and we have the choice to allow it to define who we are, the relationships we have, and the choices we make. I hope anyone watching feels brave enough to do the work to heal, knowing that they are not alone.

Duration 9 Minutes
Release Date --
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