Terminally Unique
Terminally Unique is a story centering around Marianne, an immigrant woman living with an alcoholic writer from an affluent family. Caught between genuine love and an awful reality, Marianne begins the process of escape, only to be ensnared by the powerful mix of love and pity. Candidly examining the tragic moments where the strength of love is ultimately toppled by substance abuse, Terminally Unique provides a glimpse into the potentially endless cycles too many of us endure in codependent relationships.
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Terminally Unique is a fragment, a distilled moment that I hope presents a potent glimpse into how women are often trapped by guilt and subordinate behavior that is drummed into them from the moment they are born. As a woman and an artist, I try to open my heart and tell stories that reflect some of what I have learned and hope for change. The path isn't always about happy endings, but that can be cathartic, a self-inflicted slap to break free of unpleasant realities that all of us can escape if we just trust in our best selves.

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Duration 16 Minutes
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