The 90 Year Old Cyclist
This short documentary is a life portrait of my grandfather illustrated through his love of cycling.
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10 years ago I made a short documentary about my grandfather who was 80 at the time and still cycling everyday and it was very well received. It was my first proper short documentary and of course it was made with limited gear, experience and budget. Fortunately my grandfather is still with us and very much cycling almost as often as before so I wanted to revisit this idea and create a new documentary for his 90th. The plan was not to create a copy of the original one of course, but to shoot this with a bigger crew and create a new documentary with a different angle and stronger visual style. For this one I also wanted to include some of his brothers and friends and give the opportunity for them to express what they feel about my grandfather. I consider this to be both a portrait and tribute to his personality and it is probably my most personal and important project to date. I feel very lucky and privileged to have been able to tell his story.

Duration 22 Minutes
Release Date --
Age Rating --