The King Of Nothing
Desperate to save his beloved, a prince sails to a forsaken island where an ancient god could save her from a deadly illness. But not every prince is a hero and not every princess needs saving...
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Filmmaker Statement

The story started as a very typical hero's journey (prince saves princess), but something wasn't right. Not only it was boring but it also seemed anachronistic. And then I wondered: what if she didn't need any saving in the first place? And by following this thread I realised that there was something interesting in a Hero becoming a Villain mid-story, not because the character goes through a change, but merely because our perspective changes as we get more informations, and so does our interpretation of his actions. The movie was entirely shot on the Italian Island of Capri, taking advantage of the pandemic to capture this beautiful place in a way that has never been seen before on film. Instead of approaching it as the glamorous place it has come to be, we tried to show it as it must have appeared when it was first seen by the human eye thousands of years ago. I believe there is something very special about this story. I tried to make a movie that wasn't bound by the fantasy genre structure, in spite of its aesthetic, and exploring the femicide matter from the male perspective is a very challenging task.

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Duration 17 Minutes
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