The Letter
Upon receiving a letter that would reveal her future, a normally decisive young dreamer’s decision whether or not to open it is coloured by the loss of her mother, the choices that lead to it, and the
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Filmmaker Statement

As with many people, my relationship with the world really changed in March of 2020. I was in my final semester of Film School, riding off the high of Producing a Capstone and being involved in so many other great projects that I am happy to have my name on. But as the world shut down and our graduation happening online, my peers and myself wondered what this new world meant for our filmmaking careers. January of 2021, myself and my Producer, Madelyn, decided that waiting for the world to open back up wasn't an option and that we needed something to occupy our time. Over the next 6 months, dodging COVID and hiring our Film School friends to come together and finally make something. The feeling of youth slipping away went into this project as I watched COVID numbers rise and this never ending feeling of hopelessnes

Techniques --
Duration 14 Minutes
Release Date --
Age Rating --