The Magical World of Miracles
In this sweeping tale of love and loss, we follow siblings Elsie and Theo as they set out on the adventure of a lifetime to find a real life miracle.
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growing up is scary. adulting is hard. life gets in the way of the dreams you had when you were little. we realise that life is fleeting when the people we love get sick, or we lose our loved ones. dealing with pain and loss is difficult. trying to understand it is impossible. The Magical World of Miracles hopes to offer a helping hand. we hope to remind you that life is one big adventure. we run and swim and fly, fighting evil witches and greedy pirates as we sail the seven seas of Childhood and dive headfirst into the deep dark sea of Growing Up, learning along the way that all adventures must come to an end - only to make way for new adventures to find us when we least expect it… we hope to remind you of the hope you might have lost. we hope to show you that miracles do happen, every day, as long as we continue to believe in them. we hope to remind you that the people we love are never truly gone, and will live on in the memories you make and the stories you tell, forever.

Duration 27 Minutes
Completion Date --
Age Rating --