When a couple invites a Tinder rando over for a threesome, they’re surprised to find out she’s an absolute trainwreck of a person. But… she is hot, so they’re gonna go for it.
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Written by Thomas Frances and directed by Riley Cecil Taggart, Threesome is a cocktail of experiences mixed together into one microbudget short. The film finds its humor in the juxtaposition between a couple at ease in their openness and a stranger clearly in the middle of a quarter life spiral. It’s not like this is the craziest night of Adam and June’s lives — they’ve been on first dates together before. This one just got weird as hell. And it’s taking forever. The visual style sticks to close ups as much as possible, aiming to put you in Adam and June’s shoes as fellow horny investigators, watching their date’s every reaction for a firm cue on whether or not this is gonna go down or not. With a vaguely pulsing soundtrack and ever-present red glow, it’s clear this is a practiced routine for these two. Which makes it all the more tedious the longer the night goes on. If the filmmakers have done their job, you’ll be feeling the same way the characters are: just fuck already!

Duration 11 Minutes
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