A young YouTuber builds herself a fictitious world on the Internet.
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Coco is 17 and feels a desperate need to become famous even though she seems to lack the necessary talent. She is willing to do anything for recognition and avoid becoming an everyday "loser". She skips school to attend castings, music video shoots, and film YouTube clips but faces one humiliation after another and is quickly pushed to her limits. With her "Coco Channel", she tries to expand her notoriety on the internet and create the successful, loved, and confident character she wishes she really could be. As a crossmedia project, connecting film with the online video scene, WANNABE tells the story of a young YouTuber, who builds herself a fictitious world on the Internet. Watch Coco´s YouTube videos she produces in the film and more at: https://www.youtube.com/CocoChannel99 On this playlist you can watch the videos in the right order relating to the shortfilm WANNABE: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=k6pCHPTHZUY&list=PLZMIjxV7YHqU6xj4ANtkCoP3BmOMzkM6M

Duration 30 Minutes
Release Date --
Age Rating --
Language --