Well Played
A man questions his judgment after verbally abusing a homeless couple when they attempt to take his belongings.
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Filmmaker Statement

'Well Played' is my first short film and closely reflects a personal experience I had in 2021. The film explores the theme of homelessness and how it is perceived by society and to what extent, if any, crime can be justified by circumstance. I'm fascinated by the dignity and pride displayed by the homeless man when confronting Sean about verbally abusing him, whilst also defending his actions, as well as the distinct shift in Sean from aggressor to coward when confronted. I think it might be assumed that the homeless population would be accustomed to receiving abuse, deserved or otherwise, and therefore wouldn't be likely to question it. However, this young man subverts that assumption and rightly stands up for himself, despite his dubious actions. While we don't know what his reaction would have been had Sean confessed, the homeless man again defies expectation by leaving politely and respectfully, knowing full well what Sean really said.

Techniques --
Duration 12 Minutes
Release Date --
Age Rating --