A Tale of the Stolen Peach
Mr. Fox rides on performing the trick of stolen peaches from heaven, breaks phantom spells with illusions, and soothe the ghosts trapped in an illusionary world in a deserted village.
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Adapted from the story of the same name found in the anthology Strange Stories From Liaozhai, the film reconstructs its worldview and characters, using the stolen peach illusion in the service of an entirely new fantasy setting. The peach acquires positive concepts of compassion and charity in addition to its initial miserable role. I wanted narrative threads and images to appear in pairs where story design and image selection were concerned. The visuals of the birthday banquet and a funeral, for example, or the white of the fox character and the black of the ghost of impermanence. And the spring rain, peach blossoms, desolate village, and spirit tablets of reality pair with the storm, dead forest, decrepit bodhisattva statue, and bustling banquet under a dark sky in the illusion. These all situate the film at a place where light meets darkness, where surface meets interior, and they deliberately disguise the theme in an all-encompassing fog. With emphasis on open space, I packaged opposing values as pairs using the original story’s magical elements but kept them hidden, making the film itself an additional layer of illusion around the truth. To my mind, this is the charm of tales of the strange: logical disorder in delicate balance, and fantasy elements that not only cater to curiosity but provide an unformulaic, audience-specific imaginative space.

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Duration 16 Minutes
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