When a rundown space station malfunctions and begins falling apart, it’s up to an anxious dog to use his wits, his will, and his waggily tail to save his master's life... or die alongside him.
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Hi! I’m Sam Gill, the Writer / Director of Fetch. Fetch is born from my own experiences with mental health, and is very much an ode to – and love letter to! – faithful hounds everywhere. In 2014, I had back surgery which left me bedbound for nearly two years. I was very lucky to have family support, but most critically, I was very lucky to have canine support. Every morning, my dog George would wake me up with a nuzzle and a lick to the face. He’d drop a tennis ball by me, and we’d play fetch from my bed. He made sure I started every day with a smile. Without that, I’m not so sure I’d be here to type this to you now.

Duration 18 Minutes
Release Date --
Age Rating --