La Bee de Beeley
Everyone is jelly of Queen Bee. She loves laying eggs all day! Without her, all the bees would be stuck! She loves having everyone rely on her.
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Within the hive, a Queen Bee has a harsh life. The language we have given to roles inside the beehive paints a rich picture of their community, with words such as ‘worker bees’, and the Queen’s ‘attendants’ who feed her ‘royal jelly’. However, in reality the life of a Queen Bee is not as luxurious as it seems. Constantly surrounded by her ‘attendants’, the Queen is fed and pampered around the clock, but she is only able to leave the hive once in her lifetime. The survival of the entire hive relies on her. If she dies, they are helpless. In this gilded cage, her life is spent dragging her heavy body around the hive to lay eggs. Would being fed and pampered in a sauna be as enjoyable if you had no agency? The film invites you to think about the emotional labour that goes into aspects of domestic life that are often given to women by default.

Duration 1 Minutes
Completion Date --
Age Rating --