Last Call
In her first week on the job, a new airport ground staff must deal with a stubborn elderly passenger who arrives late for check-in and insists on travelling to attend his daughter’s wedding.
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Filmmaker Statement

A friend and mentor, Li Lin Wee, offered to put me up as one of the filmmakers contesting for the Changi Airport Group short film grant - and I’m honoured to be have been selected to tell a story about one of the best airports in the world. I wanted to tell a story about the everyday man working at the airport grounds. That became the starting point to how I wanted to frame my narrative - a Passenger Service Assistant who interacts with the many passengers that come through Changi Airport. I wanted an older, more mature protagonist who’s new at her job. We often tend to assume that a trainee would be someone young, so the decision to cast against type was a deliberate one. I want our viewers to wonder what brought our protagonist here: Is she married? Does she have children? Why did she decide to take up this apprenticeship despite being older and experienced? This also changes how our protagonist approaches and deals with conflict.

Duration 13 Minutes
Completion Date --
Age Rating --